One Day at a Time

Let me guess, you’ve tried it before but it didn’t work. You were gung-ho in the beginning, ready to start, and excited for the changes that you were about to make but then you went right back into the same ways you were living before. Maybe you finished that race, you placed in your competition, but once that goal ended so did the lifestyle changes. The self pity and loathing came back. You were so proud of yourself and what you accomplished but can’t seem to get there again.

The hardest part about sticking to a fitness journey might be the overwhelming sense that in order for this to last you will have to implement these changes for the rest of your life. A daunting challenge when you have lived the life you have for so long and know no other way of living. The grief of losing the life that you’re currently living and pruning off the unhealthiest parts of yourself may feel like a heavy burden for some. It may be a process that you don’t know how to do within yourself. A friend recently put it this way, life feels like an hourglass turned on it’s side. You may feel as though you are being constrained into a strict and narrow pathway but once you make it through the tunnel, you can see how life expands and opens up. You can now see all the options, possibilities, and joy that has been awaiting you on the other side. Narrowing in on the root cause of your misalignment in your current lifestyle with your vision of your best self is a deeply personal process and unraveling you need to undergo. Although you have support, guidance, and all the tools you need to achieve your dreams, you and you alone are in charge of your inner work and growth. A famous saying is: “you can’t help those who don’t help themselves”. At the end of the day, this change is up to you. How bad do you want it?

When the process of transformation becomes unbearable - remember to take it one day at a time. You are strong and powerful and you can make the changes you hope to see. You are worthy in every form of your self but you know you are worth more. You deserve to live out the best version of yourself and integrate those changes into your being. This journey is tough, but you have embarked on it because you knew there was more in you than the way your were living.


Where do I start?